Community garden for the Market Square
The Stonehaven Business Association and Stonehaven Town Centre Improvement Group are delighted to have been successful in gaining funding to create a new community garden in the centre of Stonehaven!
The funding comes from the Aberdeenshire Council Phoenix Fund (£10,000) and the Scottish Government Town Centres Fund (£48,698) enabling the group to move forward with their project to create a civic space in the form of a community garden at the North Pend of the Market Square Buildings beside the Granite Fountain, providing a focal point in the centre of the town for locals and visitors alike to come into and stay in the town centre.
Planning permission as been given but the detailed agreements between the Council, SBA, SPT, Horizon and Mens Shed are still being worked out. Waatch here, the SBA Facebook page, and Stunning Stonehaven App for further details